The ISHA was founded in 1933. We're an organization with over 75 years of experience with horses and horse shows. As of April 2019, the ISHA is now a Not For Profit 501(c)3 Public Charity organization. Donations to ISHA are tax-deductible under Internal Revenue Code Sections 170.
ISHA is the only ALL BREED association in the state of Indiana that offers something for every horse breed and owner. We offer English, Western, Gaited and Hunter/Jumper shows at various dates through the year. Our goal is to keep showing affordable and offer a place where everyone is welcome. Look at our Show pages to see what we have to offer you!
Lastly, you may be asking "How do they do it?" The answer is: We can not do it without YOUR support! Visit our Sponsor or Affiliate pages to see how you can be another reason ISHA remains a top all-breed assocoation!
The ISHA is a family-oriented organization, and we're excited that you're here to check us out!

Got a question? Send us an email or give us a call via our contact info below. We are glad to help!